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Sydney Scissor Sharpening is
run wholly and solely by
Richard Mallam

Sydney Scissor Sharpening is run wholly and solely by Richard Mallam (that’s me), a guy completely obsessed with the Art and Science of fine salon shear sharpening. A few years ago I made the best decision of my business life – to give up the pursuit of big bucks in traditional business and follow my passion, which strangely enough, has always been the craft of making steel things sharp. That decision having been made, the natural path led to a specialization in sharpening, repairing and restoring fine salon shears, a field that requires the utmost in precise execution and attention to detail. For me, sharpening provides intense satisfaction and a peaceful state of mind. When I’m engaged in restoring a scissor to perfection, the outside world is somewhere else. It’s only me, the scissor and the Zen that makes good things happen. I LOVE what I do and I never take shortcuts. I’m sure you will see, hear and feel the results of this the first time you hold a pair of scissors that I have sharpened.